B2B eMarketplace Sourcing Portal Implementation Project

Client: Hong Kong Government statutory organization

Duration: Apr-19 to Oct-20 (19 months)

Position & Role Played: Lead Delivery Architect

Website: https://sourcing.hktdc.com/ 


In response to the global shift towards online sourcing, a statutory organization of the Hong Kong government established a B2B eMarketplace sourcing portal in 2008. This platform aimed to facilitate connections between international buyers and suppliers in Hong Kong and mainland China. The initiative was initiated to adapt to the evolving landscape of digital technologies and the rapid growth of e-commerce giants, such as Alibaba and Globalsourcing, over the past decade.

Recognizing the need to align with the dynamic digital landscape and cater to the evolving demands of advertisers and buyers, the Hong Kong government found it imperative to revamp the B2B eMarketplace online platform. This transformation was driven by the vision of B2B eMarketplace 2.0 to emerge as the preeminent online B2B Marketplace globally, connecting buyers with small-to-medium-sized suppliers.

The revamped B2B eMarketplace 2.0 has been transformed into a cloud-native microservices architecture with a Single Page Application (SPA) web frontend deployed on AWS in the Hong Kong region. Leveraging AWS ECS Fargate, the platform aims to enhance its service offerings and maintain its position as a leading player in the online B2B marketplace space.

My Contribution:

I played the Lead Architect role in this project to provide

  1. Cloud-Native System Architecture Leadership: Led the development and oversight of the comprehensive cloud-native system architecture for eMarketplace 2.0 on AWS.
  2. Microservices Architecture Design: Devised a robust 3-Tier Microservices Architecture (Web, BFF, Domain Service) based on Domain-Driven Design principles.
  3. SDLC Methodology Alignment: Orchestrated a method adoption workshop to align project processes with the government’s SDLC, ensuring customized project delivery methods.
  4. Technical Design Governance: Chaired the Technical Design Governance Board, confirming technical requirements and making key architectural decisions.
  5. Disciplined Agile Methodology Guidance: Advised the team on development and testing approaches under the Disciplined Agile Methodology, fostering efficient and disciplined practices.
  6. AWS Capacity Planning and Cost Projection: Conducted comprehensive Capacity Planning and projected costs on AWS, ensuring optimal resource utilization.
  7. Performance Test Leadership: Led the execution of Performance Tests, ensuring the system’s robustness and performance under varying conditions.