Air Cargo Management System Transformation Project

Client: Hong Kong air cargo terminal operator

Duration: Jan-10 to Feb-12 (26 months)

Position & Role Played: Team Lead & Senior System Analyst


Under the light of the demerger of a significant airline’s stake from the existing air-cargo terminal operator, necessitating the establishment of a new, independent air-cargo operator, the incumbent air-cargo terminal operator initiated on a strategic move. This initiative aimed to re-engineer its business models and modernize its aging air-cargo management system. The imperative for this transformation was driven by the impending direct competition from its previous investor and shareholder, requiring the terminal operator to enhance its operational efficiency and technological capabilities.

The comprehensive transformation of the air cargo management system entailed a substantial investment of 200 man-years and 200 million Hong Kong dollars. This initiative focused on transitioning from a legacy system based on Natural Adabas to a contemporary user interface utilizing the Adobe Flex framework, supported by JavaEE domain-driven applications. This modernization effort positioned the air-cargo terminal operator to effectively navigate the evolving landscape of the air-cargo industry and maintain a competitive edge against its former investor/shareholder

My Contribution:

I was the Team Lead and Senior System Analyst in the development team to analyze and design of Air-Cargo Management System Domains using JavaEE technology

  1. Regulatory Authority Domain: Addressed all facets related to storing, updating, and retrieving information for Hong Kong local regulatory authorities, including the Customs and Excise Department, Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department, Food and Environment Hygiene Department, and Air Authority Hong Kong.
  2. Tonnage Domain: Managed the ingestion, storage, transformation, and reporting of air cargo tonnage data, ensuring transparency and compliance with public and government reporting requirements in Hong Kong.
  3. Location Domain: Oversaw the movement of cargo within the air-cargo terminal operator premises, implementing a system to track the current locations of cargo. This included seamless system integration with the automatic storage and retrieval system provided by Siemens.
  4. Agent Domain: Addressed the maintenance of airline agency information within the system and facilitated cargo declaration processes to Customs, ensuring accuracy and efficiency in compliance procedures.